Author Kai Zou

November 2020: Our recent publication in American Journal of Physiology – Cell Physiology was selected for APSselect

Our recent article titled “Impaired Glucose Partitioning in Primary Myotubes from Severely Obese Women with Type 2 Diabetes”  has been selected for APSselect (, a collection from the APS that showcases some of the best recently published articles in physiological… Continue Reading →

September 2020: Paper accepted at American Journal of Physiology – Cell Physiology

Our paper titled “Impaired Glucose Partitioning in Primary Myotubes from Severely Obese Women with Type 2 Diabetes” was accepted for publication in American Journal of Physiology – Cell Physiology. Congratulations! Thanks to all the authors who contributed to this paper!

June 2020: Welcome Madison Webber for joining the Lab

Madison Webber, a freshman from Emmanuel College, joined our lab from the Young Empowered Scientists for ContinUed Research Engagement (YES for CURE) program. Welcome! We will be working on the project “Effects of Exercise training on prostate cancer”. We look… Continue Reading →

April 2020: Doctoral student Benjamin Kugler defended his dissertation proposal.

Congratulations to Benjamin Kugler for successfully defending his dissertation proposal entitled “The Role of Skeletal Muscle Drp1-Mediated Mitochondrial Fission in Obesity Induced Insulin Resistance”!!!

April 2020: Masters student James Tincknell defended his M.S. thesis!

Congratulations to Masters student James Tincknell for successfully defending his M.S. thesis entitled “Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training on Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Quality, Function, and Insulin Sensitivity in Obese Mice”. James was also accepted into the PhD program in Nutrition… Continue Reading →

March 2020: Doctoral student Benjamin Kugler won American College of Sports Medicine Charles M. Tipton Student Research Award

Exciting news in IMPL! Congratulations to doctoral student Benjamin Kugler who was informed recently that he was selected by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) as one of the two recipients of this year’s Charles M. Tipton Student Research… Continue Reading →

March 2020: Paper accepted at Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews

Dr. Zou was a co-author on a paper entitled “Plasma Lactate as a Marker for Metabolic Health”. The manuscript will be published in July 2020 on Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews.

February 2020: Abstract accepted at American College of Sports Medicine annual conference

Doctoral student Benjamin Kugler was accepted to present his abstract titled “Inhibiting Drp1-Mediated Mitochondrial Fission Attenuates High-Fat Diet Induced Skeletal Muscle Insulin Resistance” at American College of Sports Medicine annual conference. Ben will present his abstract in San Francisco on… Continue Reading →

December 2019: Undergraduate student Paul Nguyen accepted into the McNair Program

Congratulations to Paul Nguyen on being accepted into the McNair Program at UMass Boston. The mission of the Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program is designed to provide opportunities for undergraduates from disadvantaged backgrounds especially from underrepresented academic groups (Blacks,… Continue Reading →

December 2019: Undergraduate students from IMPL received Undergraduate Research Award from the university

Undergraduate student from the lab, Paul Nguyen and Meaghan Anderson, received Undergraduate Research Awards from the university. The awards will allow the students to work on their projects: Effects of Electrical Pulse Stimulation on Mitochondrial Dynamics in Myotubes From Lean… Continue Reading →

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