Month June 2018

June 2018: Our paper published at International Journal of Obesity

Our article entitled “Altered tricarboxylic acid cycle flux in primary myotubes from severely obese humans” was accepted for publication in International Journal of Obesity.    

May 2018: Dr. Junhan Li presents abstract and American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting

Dr. Junhan Li, an Visiting Scholar from Chengdu Sport Institute, China, presented a poster at the ACSM 2018 annual meeting in Minneapolis, MN. Dr. Li’s abstract was entitled “Exercise Training Attenuates Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Rats with Diabetes via… Continue Reading →

May 2018: IMPL at the College Research and Scholarship Day

IMPL lab members presented their research projects at the 32nd Annual College of Nursing and Health Sciences Research and Scholarship Day.

April 2018: IMPL at Experimental Biology

Benjamin Kugler and Anders Gundersen presented their research work in the session of “Translational Physiology Showcase: Bench to Bedside and In Between” at Experimental Biology 2018 in San Diego, CA. Their presentations were entitled “Effects of Roux- en-Y Gastric Bypass… Continue Reading →

March 2018: Congratulations to Anders Gundersen for successfully defending his M.S. thesis!

Congratulations to Anders Gundersen for successfully defending his M.S. thesis entitled “Comparisons of Mitochondrial Quality Control in Primary Myotubes from Lean, Severely Obese Non-Diabetic, and Severely Obese Type 2 Diabetic Humans”.

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